Oxygen MagazineD's Editor-in-Chief Blog

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Battle Ropes Training

Check out Oxygen's fitness editor Rachel Crocker trying out battle ropes, a new strength and conditioning technique!
A big thank you to Medcan's John Vizzini and Vince Rinella for rolling out the "green" carpet and taking the time to show us this innovation in fitness.
Stay tuned for a future issue of Oxygen where you can learn your very own routine.


  1. It looks hard! She got some guns!

  2. Awwww, thanks, guys! :)

    I was so surprised at how intense it actually was to work with the ropes. My lower body and core had to stabilize while my upper body did the majority of the work, and my heart rate was raised within seconds. (Don't get me started on the obscene amount of sweating I did.) The proof was in the pudding - the next day, my shoulders and abs were certainly feeling its effects! A special thanks to Stacy for inviting me along to the demo. :)
